July 18, 2024 (Zoom): LCP Chapbook Series summer launch

Put on your comfy summer loungers, grab a cool drink of your choice, and join the League for an online launch of two recent chapbooks!

Splendor of Wings, edited by Claudia Coutu Radmore, celebrates the work of poets over 65. This chapbook was curated and designed with care, and launched in May 2024.

We will also celebrate a forthcoming chapbook anthology of trans and nonbinary poets, edited by Tara Borin! Also curated with care, this chapbook is in its final stages of production and will be available for preorder at the launch.

Thursday, July 18, 2024 | 7:30pm ET


Readers from Splendor of Wings

Anne Archer, Marilyn Belak, Richard Brait, Michelle Poirier Brown, Ronnie R. Brown, Neall Calvert, Louise Carson, Eric Folsom, Tom Gannon Hamilton, Eva Kolacz, Janis La Couvee, Donna Langevin, Dorothy Mahoney, Blaine Marchand, Shelley McAneeley, Gil McElroy, John Oughton, Kerry Rawlinson, and Nan Williamson.

Readers from Tara Borin's anthology of trans and nonbinary writers

Terrence Abrahams, Jenna Lyn Albert, Alexa Boismier, Ellen Chang-Richardson, Conyer Clayton, Benjamin C. Dugdale, Neven Marelj, Drew McEwan, Khashayar "Kess" Mohammadi, Helen Robertson, Harper Walton, Jennifer Wenn, and Ash Winters.