Review: Checking In | By Adeena Karasick

Talonbooks | 2018 | 96 Page | $16.95 | Purchase onlineĀ 

Reviewed by Jake Marmer for Tablet

Poetry, at its core, is a mystical endeavor: an encounter with the web of language that holds our consciousness. This is true even if the poem, on the surface, seems like a series of puns about Facebook, the least poetical of all possible media. That, anyway, is the premise ofĀ Checking In, a new collection by Canadian-born New YorkĀ poet, media artist, performer, and cultural theorist Adeena Karasick.

The bookā€™s central long poem, 36 pages in length, consists of faux Facebook statuses that weave together pop culture, literary references, philosophy, mysticism, and moreā€”all in a mix of outrageous puns: ā€œUlysses is listening to Siren Song on Spotifyā€ goes one line; ā€œWilliam Wordsworth is wandering lonely on iCloudā€ is another. Riffing on Homerā€™sĀ OdysseyĀ and William Wordworthā€™sĀ I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the lines open up into something far great than witticisms. This is clear to anyone who spent days under the spell of limitless free music on Spotify, while imbibing deathly doses of interstitial advertising. While Wordsworthā€™s original poem creates a Romantic metaphor, using the natural world to describe the inner state of the poet, Karasickā€™s line links existential loneliness with the tangle of invisible technologies offered by a major corporation. The pun doesnā€™t seem all that funny, when you consider that the natural world is no longer a point of reference for us, as we use Apple-invented lingo to describe our most vulnerable emotions.

What makes these literary puns poetry? In Kabbalistic thought, which Karasick, 53, cites in her epigraph, the world was formed through language, and so Hebrew letters are the primal energies of creation. In combining these energies into words, and in studying their patterns, one walks the line between linguistics and mysticism in an attempt to discern access points to the divine: the ā€œstate of ecstasyā€ referred to by medieval Spanish Kabbalist Rabbi Avraham Abulafia, one of Karasickā€™s inspirations.

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