Poetry Pause x Poetry in Union: Sadiqa de Meijer – The Roaring Alongside

Poem author: Sadiqa de Meier Poem title: The Roaring Alongside Poem: The school’s so close, some mornings when I hang the laundry, that I hear her name —now here, now there—in the cacophony of voices, like dings of toy cash registers. That means she is it in tag. And I was trusted, somewhere in the April firmament. Shaking the damp, corkscrewed fabrics out; husks of a small human, sapling slender, thinned in the knees. I’d emptied her pockets. Everything I’d ever said to her was in them, turned to sand. The millions of grains are black, white, tan, and gray, mixed with quartz grains, rose and amethyst. End of Poem. Copyright © Sadiqa de Meijer Sadiqa de Meijer is the author of Leaving Howe Island (Oolichan). Her poetry collection, The Outer Wards (Vehicule Press), and her book of essays on her first language, alfabet / alphabet (Palimpsest Press), are both forthcoming in 2020. She resides in Kingston, Ontario.

Sadiqa de Meier will be one of many amazing poets available to create custom, in-the-moment poems at the League’s Poetry In Union event on February 14, 2020. Find out more about Poetry In Union