A Poem Instead by Anne Swannell

Poem title: A Poem Instead Poet name: Anne Swannell Poem: Because almost all the rosy reds that fall  from high in my apple tree have bite-marks caused by the creatures that live in the compost heap, I set out to write a poem addressed to the many owls  who roost round Swan Lake. It was going to be called “Invitation to a Feast.”  Though, when I wake at two or three  in the ante meridian, I open the bedroom curtains to see if I can spot those nefarious nibblers out there in the grass, growing stronger and more prolific by the minute on vitamin C,  I never have.  Neither flashed-on porch light  nor mellow moonlight renders their eyeshine visible. The only evidence is the bright white flesh of gnawed fruit in the cradling grass each morning.  The picture my mind makes of feathery swooping wings  bound to reduce my night-raiders’ numbers is all very well,  but—not wanting to be responsible for the blood- curdling shrieks that cruel talons, beaks inflict— I decided to leave the whole business to Mother Nature and write this poem instead.  End of poem.  Credits and Bio: Copyright © Anne Swannell Anne Swannell writes and paints in Victoria, BC. Her work has appeared in many literary mags. over the years. She has published four books of poetry: Drawing Circles on the Water, Mall, Shifting, and Journey with an Autistic Child.