beneath the birches by Norma Kerby

Poet name: Norma Kerby Poem name: beneath the birches Poem: should this wind stop and whirling white devils of             			late snow diminish                      	 i will take your body                    and walk to the meadow                 to the birches i will carry you         paper white bark  stark against sweeping cedars          branch noises chattering through hissing squalls          no flowers bloom between cold snow patches                    splattered across sodden ground    we go to where groundwater melts ice in tiny rivers         to our birches      old friend you will like it there           body buried deep in                                                       rich black soil birches and skunk cabbages and memories        			                          				melding  here where you hunted voles pouncing through piles of ruffled leaves  here where we sat in speckled sun  dozy and dreaming  white birch trunks silky white fur 				cat merged forever               						into a fecund world  End of poem.  Credits and bio: Copyright © Norma Kerby Norma Kerby lives on the traditional territories of the Tsimpsean First Nations in northwestern British Columbia.  Published in e-zines, journals and anthologies, her writing emphasizes life in rural and northern Canada.  Her chapbook, Shores of Haida Gwaii (Big Pond Rumours Press), explores the poetic interface between ocean and land for those rugged shorelines.