Imperfect Ghazal for the Last Czar’s Lost Daughter by Anne Archer

Poem title: Imperfect Ghazal for the Children 
of the Last Czar’s Lost Daughter
Poet name: Anne Archer
Poem: I said how quickly we become
our stories, but I meant our mothers.

My mother was a fish
out of water, and my birth

mother a phantom limb remapped
to the heart by the body’s faulty

sensory circuitry.  How can
a heart know what it wants?

The leaf of the bloodroot wraps itself
around the blossom like a gowpen.
End of poem. 
Credits and bio: Copyright © Anne Archer
Forthcoming in Anti-Heroin Chic.
Anne Archer (aka Archer Lundy) is a musician and poet who lives on unceded Algonquin Territory near Sharbot Lake, Ontario.  She is the author of two chapbooks: ICH HEISSE CLARA (Alien Buddha Press, 2021) and FROM THE FRONTENACS (Woodpecker Lane Press, 2022).  Her recent poems appear in Yolk, The Wise Owl, The Raven’s Perch, The Eunoia Review, Sledgehammer Lit, In The Mood Magazine, and Juked, and are forthcoming from Pinhole, Devour, and Anti-Heroin Chic.