“Rowan’s Ravine” by Abdul Salam Abo Al Shamat

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “Rowan’s Ravine” by Abdul Salam Abo Al Shamat.

“Rowan’s Ravine”

By Abdul Salam Abo Al Shamat

It’s half past eight,

the grass is catching its breath after a long day,

July’s fierce sun is simmering down.

My legs half-soaked

under silk sheets of water,

wet sand kissing my toes,

soft pebbles tickling my feet.

A prairie breeze swifts by,

carrying me away to the

golden light at the edge

of the horizon as it sinks

beneath the blue.


I throw myself into

the arms of my favorite lake

and dissolve like a grain of salt.

I feel my heart floating, my skin

breathing, and for a few

fleeting moments, I let go

of all the weight off

my chest, my shoulders.


I ponder how the sand,

the water, the pebbles

never tire of all the feet,

the toes, the hearts

that have been here,

and will come here

a thousand sunsets from now,

just to feel alive

in the arms of

their favorite lake.

Copyright © Abdul Salam Abo Al Shamat

Abdulsalam is a Syrian-Palestinian spoken word poet and photographer. His poetry explores themes of exile, homeland, belonging, and sometimes love. Before winning the resettlement lottery in 2021, Abdulsalam lived in Malaysia for nine years, finding refuge in the world of storytelling and performing at various events, including the George Town Literary Festival. In Canada, he reached the finals at the Canadian Individual Poetry Slam (CIPS) in Vancouver and has featured in different cities across the country.

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