“Saptarishis” by Meena Chopra

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “Saptarishis” by Meena Chopra, part of the League’s Fresh Voices program.


By Meena Chopra

The day unrolled

as I sketched the Moon 

with golden ink in the sunlight

Stars scattered

across the night sky

unfurling the zodiac patterns

The Great Bear, the Big Dipper,

seven stars, seven sages

wise words

echoing through time

collapse in a light-polluted sky

Constellations sigh

thousands of years trickled

composing and computing

narratives and legends

versifying my days and nights

The Little Dipper stirred

celestial slumber disturbed

preluding a new journey

Steadfast and unwavering 

the radiant star, Dhruv*

navigates my way

in the clusters of space

Light years sweep by

*Saptarishis: In ancient Indian astronomy, the asterism of the Big Dipper  is called *Saptarishi, with the seven stars representing seven sages . Saptarishi, in Hindu mythology, refers to the seven revered ancient sages, seers or rishis who played a significant role in shaping the cosmic order. Also known as the “Seven Seers,” the Saptarishi are considered eternal and are mentioned in various Hindu scriptures, including the Vedas and Puranas

*Dhruv: In Hindu mythology, is a legendary figure and a devotee known for his unwavering devotion to Lord Vishnu. As a child, Dhruv sought a permanent place in the cosmos and, blessed by Vishnu, became the pole star, symbolizing steadfastness and spiritual dedication.

Copyright © Meena Chopra

Meena Chopra is a Canadian Indian poet, a visual artist, art curator and a producer of art and literary events. She lives in Mississauga. She writes both in English and her native Hindi language. Her poetry has been published in several literary magazines and anthologies and also has been translated in Urdu, German and Punjabi. She has authored three poetry and art collections and co-edited an anthology Driven by power of the abstract imagery, many times her art and poetry blend into each other. Meena advocates discovering collaborative experience between the literary arts and other art forms in order to give the audience a comprehensive and vibrant artistic experience and has a successful trail of producing such art and literary events behind her.

Fresh Voices is a publication and workshop program created by and for the League’s associate members.

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