“radio chatter” by Winston Lê

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “radio chatter” by Winston Lê. Due to its formatting, this poem is only available as an image.

radio chatter

By Winston Lê

on operator’s end of conch shell’s 
phonic ocean query    mermaid song recording        

we are tok auris          sssssussssurratesssss 
seashell resonance into ears of echolalia ensemble
earshot to earshot       
hearsay betrays          word of mouth   
between          babble & murmur-perception    

we interrupt child’s play of broken              telephone vessels
we are unreliable whisper-chorus      wiretap & garble-narrate—
we static-alter oral transcript of aurality                    co bac

lalia-radios pair together tele-séance 
we mishear receptive transmission-chain—
whisperer#1:              co gnate— 
whisperer#2:                  clockwork—          
whisperer#3:              is everything all co pacetic— 
we scatter possessed pronunciations              
           shatter phonetic soundproof glass     
co       bac      transfigured viêt-vocals tendril c’s 
           rounded form    mutates into g’s looped-serif cartilage—

drawbridge-lower tongue across pre-corpus breath    co
we guttural-utter                               go       
upon lip-threshold      voiced velar plosive gggghosts  bac

out of service—                      
we transmute    into spiral radio
instrumentalizes fluid-filled vibrations   throughout inner ear

upon procession’s terminus—
              we error-forge across tongue-betwixt                                     
              we annunciate final transliteration echo                   go       back—

Copyright © Winston Lê

Winston Lê is a Vietnamese-Chinese poet and interdisciplinary artist who resides in Langley, BC. His writing has been featured in periodicities, Sparkling Tongue Press, Ekphrasis Magazine, pagefiftyone, and filling Station. His poetic practice encompasses different modalities concerned with language acquisition, including receptive bilingualism, poetic dictation, speculative poetics, and asemic writing. His debut chapbook, translanguaging was shortlisted for the 2018 Broken Pencil Zine Awards. translanguaging is now curated as part of the special collections at Colby College Libraries and Michigan State University Libraries, respectively.

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