“The Art of Sewing and Other Lessons” by Christina Grant

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “The Art of Sewing and Other Lessons” by Christina Grant.

The Art of Sewing and Other Lessons

By Christina Grant

I shear across the grain in scissor-snick precision

follow pattern lines as fabric slides

from the table like a toboggan down a hill.

My mother crouched behind me at the top of the run

stay loose as you ride, she said, to avoid injury

an initial push to gather momentum

not unlike the first cut of cloth there is no stopping once begun

I guide the fabric, ensorcelled

by the machine’s stabbing rhythm

threading a needle, she said, requires

the same steady hand as baiting a hook.

We pierced worms, cast our lines

among the weeds of tannin-stained water

ravenous pickerel lurked, waiting to

gorge on hapless prey. Cried

when I hooked a fish through its eye

What is done cannot be undone

I removed the hook, wary of needle-sharp teeth

released it, one-eyed

jaws agape, leaking blood the colour of wine.

I sew a dress for my mother that she will never see

darts stitched into the bodice, gathered sleeves

and flared skirt that will never twirl, velour

the same rich burgundy as a bottle from Bourgogne.

Water for living, she raised a glass, wine for life

taught me how to savour—jaw open, lips closed—

like holding a cluster of rubies in your mouth

a gnathic swirl, the flavour of Pinot noir grapes

draped across the tongue

velvety soft undertones of

berries, cinnamon, and loam.

Copyright © Christina Grant

Christina Grant is a writer and educator living in Waterloo, Ontario which is situated on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, and Chonnonton People. She loves storytelling no matter the medium. Her poetry and short fiction have been published in various literary magazines in print and online. Her work has also appeared on stage and on Manawaker Studio’s Flash Fiction podcast.

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