“Milk Pail Ballad” by Emily Bulicz-Arnelien
Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “Milk Pail Ballad” by Emily Bulicz-Arnelien.
Milk Pail Ballad
By Emily Bulicz-Arnelien
As the storm rolls in, I puddle in the basement
while you practice piano against the thunderclaps
And soon, the barn cats scatter under the caragana
At sunset, we walk the path of the tornado,
barefoot, dress for bed in our summer nightgowns
There is no sleep without these raindrops, this breeze
scented with honeysuckles, and in the morning
we paint the windowsills yellow, as planned
For lunch we eat chocolate cake,
drink milk from Heidi, the Holstein
Ranger is rolling in the mud, through wolf willow
in the pasture. And we, running like coyotes
to the canola horizon
Copyright © Emily Bulicz-Arnelien
Emily Bulicz-Arnelien is an emerging writer based in southern Ontario and raised on the rural prairies of Saskatchewan. She is an MFA in Fiction candidate through the University of King’s College—graduating Spring 2025—from where she holds a BA in Creative Writing & English. Her work, including fiction and poetry, has appeared in Contemporary Verse 2, Tidewise Illustrated Quarterly, Venus Hour, and en*gendered.
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