At the train station by Brianna Cheng

Poem title: At the train station
Poet name: Brianna Cheng
Poem: While waiting at the train station 
under the belly of a cracked sky 
two coyotes bounded across the tracks 
and wind ceased blowing 
and passengers looked up from their thermoses 
swallowing surprise as if  
all the world was holding their breath 
at the two animals darting past the other commuters and I 
their pink tongues wagging 
I know you felt it too 
a moment 
a tension 
I know you heard it too 
the song of steel and wild flesh and fur 
of human and nature 
End of poem.
Credits and bio: Copyright © Brianna Cheng
Brianna Cheng is a writer and student. She completed a narrative medicine fellowship at Concordia University, and held roles as a Humanities Editor for the McGill Journal of Medicine and first reader for WTAW Press.