“Book Cover” by Angel Edwards
Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “Book Cover” by Angel Edwards, part of the League’s Fresh Voices program. Due to its formatting, this poem is only available as an image.
Book Cover
By Angel Edwards

Copyright © Angel Edwards
Previously published in Lust Unfiltered by Love (Silver Bow Publishing 2018).
Angel Edwards (Her/She) has performed as a solo artist singer songwriter guitarist around the Vancouver area for over 35 years. Prior to this Angel was a singer in many cover rock bands and pop rock duos. Angel as a solo musician has an extensive repertoire of vintage country,classic rock folk and original indie rock pop music. She has written 4 books of poetry published by Silver Bow Publishing. Her short stories have been published by Our Canada Magazine, More of Our Canada Magazine, Vancouver Weekly and The Galway Review in Ireland. In 2022 numerous publications of her poetry and short stories by The Lothlorien Poetry Journal from Paris France and the UK. Her poetry has been published in numerous ezines including Spillwords from New York, as well as numerous E zines from Toronto, New Westminster, USA and UK. Angel is a long time member of SOCAN and BMI a member of The League of Canadian Poets and Vancouver Musicians Association branch of the AFofM. Angel is a vegan, an animal lover and an ardent bird watcher.
Fresh Voices is a publication and workshop program created by and for the League’s associate members.
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