Bramble Heart by Kaila Gallacher

Poem name: Bramble Heart Poet name: Kaila Gallacher Poem: lover, come find me at the forest’s edge                                                  where cities are                                                        silenced by these                                                      apprehensive reveries.                      follow the trail of salt, crushed petals, and thorns  on the path I’ve left behind—like the thistles that’ve woven their spines between blades of unassuming grass. come find me between  these moments of reverent totality and irreverent fractals. face me with  the wild inside that remains. striking chords on wind that never linger longer  than your breath or our lips. try to find me. we’re children. playing hide and seek. but a word of warning, be cautious of my bramble heart; wrapped in thorns and thistles pierced by an almost cruel bloom. and if you walk beside me, you will never know where  your feet will fall next. moon, I am called to be amidst cosmos | trekking through trees in this  shifting ground. I don’t follow straightforward paths. I distrust the well-lit and know the secret of the revealed. I strip my clothes off and seek answers from the wind when I don’t know which direction to grow. when the wind’s north changes in me lover, be ready. keep up. when my eyes turn towards darkening skies, forgive me. I may not be able to check to see if you follow behind.  End of poem. Credits and bio: Copyright © Kaila Gallacher Kaila Gallacher is a chronically-ill, second-generation Scottish-Canadian writer and poet. Through her work, she explores the realities of chronic illness, trauma, and what it means to find healing through writing and through nature. In her forthcoming chapbook, mo nighean: the universe inside the comma, she demonstrates how pain can be simultaneously accepted and transformed. She has been published in The Trinity Review, Lucent Dreaming, the anthology Force/Fields by Perennial Press, and the anthologies Light, You’ve Gone Incognito, and The Hyphenated Generation by The Soapbox Press.