The Many Gendered Other Reading List

A Reading List Created by the Feminist Caucus In this troubled time, we are all looking for brilliant, beautiful and insightful poetry. The Feminist Caucus has put together a reading list along the theme of Many Gendered Other. As writers, we all acutely feel “other” in some way, and have been lifted out of our sense of “otherness” or…

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6 Pieces on Poetry with Adebe DeRango-Adem

Who are the members of the League of Canadian Poets? With over 750 members – growing every day -, our membership is diverse. Of course, though, all members have one thing in common: poetry! 6 Pieces on Poetry is our new quarterly series where members of the League will answer our 6 questions. We’ll talk poetry, writing…

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6 Pieces on Poetry with Michael Mirolla

Who are the members of the League of Canadian Poets? With over 750 members – growing every day -, our membership is diverse. Of course, though, all members have one thing in common: poetry! 6 Pieces on Poetry is our new quarterly series where members of the League will answer our 6 questions. We’ll talk poetry, writing…

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6 Pieces on Poetry with Nisha Patel

Who are the members of the League of Canadian Poets? With over 750 members – growing every day -, our membership is diverse. Of course, though, all members have one thing in common: poetry! 6 Pieces on Poetry is our new quarterly series where members of the League will answer our 6 questions. We’ll talk poetry, writing…

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The Writing Parent: On Work

Column by Vanessa Shields I know there are many of us who are writers and parents. This is a wild duality to live. My intention with this column is to write about the challenges of being a parent and a writer. I aim to share stories that reflect both the difficult and the extraordinary experiences of…

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6 Pieces on Poetry with Allan Briesmaster

Who are the members of the League of Canadian Poets? With over 750 members – growing every day -, our membership is diverse. Of course, though, all members have one thing in common: poetry! 6 Pieces on Poetry is our new quarterly series where members of the League will answer our 6 questions. We’ll talk poetry,…

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Left Coast Poetry Beat: DTES Writers' Collective

Column by Bill Arnott Western Canada’s poetry scene teems with talent, from neophytes to award-laden laureates. Authors of every facet share spoken word, competitive slam, and rapier-sharp contemporary as writers and fans converge in person, print, online and on airwaves. This is not a list of writing/reading groups or events. It’s subjective, personal experience – people and…

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2017 is somehow already four months underway, and we figured now would be a great time to check in with our 2017 Poetry Reading Challenge! National Poetry Month is a great time to either catch up or get ahead, depending on how the year is going for you. Here’s what we’ve been reading so far:…

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