NPM 2022: Activities for for children and youth

National Poetry Month April 2022 The theme is intimacy… has that made any parents, caregivers or educators panic? Never fear, the LCP understands that the word intimacy can have a specific context for many. But like poetry, we know that intimacy does not fit into one box, and there are so many ways to celebrate…

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National Poetry Month 2021

National Poetry Month 2021: Resilience The League of Canadian Poets invites you to celebrate the 23nd National Poetry Month this April 2021 with the theme of resilience.  What does it mean to be resilient? We meet resilience in every corner we’ve been backed into, every hardship that we endure. Resilience is geographical, spiritual, historical. It’s the fight…

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Poem in Your Pocket Day 2021

Poem in Your Pocket Day – April 29, 2021 – is an international movement that encourages people to centre poetry within their daily interactions. On PIYP Day, select a poem, carry it with you, and share it with others at schools, bookstores, libraries, parks, workplaces, coffee shops, street corners, and on social media using the…

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NPM21 Blog: Broken and Beaten Things: On Resilience by Bertrand Bickersteth

Can you consider something resilient if it’s broken? This question emerges from my tendency to confuse persistence and resilience. There is a relationship, after all. To me, they are both impressive. Both have to do with a certain staying power. Both invoke a kind of underdog, against-all-odds achievement. But there is at least one key…

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Ask a Longlister: Who Do You Write Your Poems For?

We asked the poets longlisted for the 2021 Book Awards some questions about their writing lives, inspirations and -of course – poetry. Read on for their thoughts and stay tuned as we reveal more questions and responses from our esteemed 2021 Book Awards Poets up until the winner’s announcement on May 6, 2021. Who do you write…

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NPM21 Blog: 18 Interpretations of Resilience by H.E. Casson

Resilience is a coin On one side is strength, on the other, vulnerability. We’re not one or the other—we’re both. The more vulnerable we are, the stronger we’re required to be. Flip a coin. If we land on vulnerability, we lose. If we land on strength, we’re praised. I stand on edge, vulnerable and strong,…

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NPM21 Blog: all this out of spite by jaye simpson

There are mornings when I wake up and can’t seem to locate myself. I am in a different bedroom in a different house, on a couch, in the backseat of a car, hurtling through time and space. When I finally grab at the fraying edges of this, I crash into my humble apartment in East…

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