NPM21 Blog: Dear Fear by Amoya Ree

Dear Fear,where the hell did you come from?See at first I thought it was just my mind playing tricks on me you know like those things they tell you when your 3“it’s just your imagination” “stop complaining”“be a big girl”Be like… my mother?with her skin like freshly brewed iced tea, and just as coldwith her…

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10 Recent Poetry Titles by Queer Poets in Canada by Emily Schimp

1. Coconut by Nisha PatelApril 2021, NeWest Press Canadian National Slam Champion, Nisha Patel, debuts her first poetry collection Coconut. Overview: “Coconut rises fiercely like the sun. These poems bestow light and warmth and the ability to witness the world, but they ask for more than basking; they ask readers to grow and warn that…

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NPM21 Blog: Applauding Every Win: On Resilience by Amoya Reé

You are Enough I’m running another virtual Spoken Word workshop (COVID amirite?) and one of the participants, a young, queer, BIPOC musician asks me how they can become more resilient. Six faces in the Zoom meeting squares, staring at me, waiting for a response. I wanted to fire off a slew of motivational Pinterest quotes;…

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NPM21 Blog: Resilience Is A Scam by Adèle Barclay

What I mean by that is the way we toss the concept of resilience around like we’re reaching for a small blanket to smother a raging forest fire feels suspect to me. You’re so resilient. You’re so, so strong. I’ve heard these refrains countless times throughout my life as if resilience were a trait, a…

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Whispers of Ancient Sounds by Suparna Ghosh

Suparna’s video presentation evokes an expat’s musings from across lands and borders and other incarnations, real or imagined. It was inspired by the event sponsored by the League of Canadian Poets, and the 2020 National Poetry Month, with the theme of “A World of Poetry” Here, she has searched through her collection of poems from…

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National Poetry Month 2020 Blog List

This National Poetry Month 2020 has been full of amazing poetry, poets, and community. In case you missed any of our amazing NPM Blog posts, here is a recap of all the thoughts, ideas, and reflections offered up by our esteemed group of NPM Blog poets. Thank you to all our contributors for your voices…

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A World of Poetry and Fun

by Janet Rogers for National Poetry Month, April 2020 I am a full time writer. I am also single and child-free which makes being a full time writer, that much more fun. I mention this as a way to introduce my position as a global writer. I travel extensively for my career and I stay…

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Why is Saint John's Head in my Petri Dish?

by Eleonore Schönmaier for National Poetry Month, April 2020 Recently I said to a Greek composer, “I’ve spent my life stranded between languages.” He said, “You have to learn more languages so that you can be stranded in more places.” I’ve started memorizing the Greek alphabet and a few words. Διάλογος is dialogue and ποίημα…

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