Communicating Vessels
by Beatriz Hausner
for National Poetry Month, April 2020
At its most essential, translation is the transfer of textual or verbal objects from one language to another. Literary translation can be more readily compared to a kind of alchemy, where the contents of one vessel are poured into another vessel, and back again, to create a rich mixture. In the case of poetry, the prima materia involved in this transfer takes the form of cadences, images, rhythms, which pour themselves out and into the poetics of the target language, thereby enriching it and providing it with elements that can ultimately transform it. At least that has been my experience.
I had the good fortune of starting out as a poet while translating extraordinary Spanish American poets into English. The deep reading, which the process of translation entails, as well as the challenge and fear I faced in trying to render their creations in English provided me with a superb poetic education. I learned the myriad ways of voice and structure; I honed my technique and made mine the associative methods they exemplified and which suit my temperament. I learned how physical and social realities become a limitless resource for emotional power in the hands of a good poet. There is no question that their voices wove themselves into mine. To those voices I went on to add the masterful work of other translators, whose translations of the troubadour poets, especially the Countess of Dia, Dante, and Classics like Ovid inform my newest book, Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart. Of late, I have taken to reading the excellent, albeit contrasting translations of Catullus by Peter Whigham and Louis Zukofsky. I’m also revisiting the work of André Breton and the poet and mystic Oscar V de L Milosz. I keep learning from them, as I incorporate, riff off them, collage, and invent in the manner in which they invented.
Translating César Moro (1903-1956), the Peruvian surrealist, has proven one of the great experiences of my life as a poet. I had not, nor have since come across a poet whose expression of love for a man is as nakedly daring as Moro’s. The beauty of romance, the celebration of the his lover comes through with erotic force rendered through often explosive images, brilliant juxtapositions, creating out of concrete reality a kind cosmic environment for his beloved. All the elements of the known and imagined world are at his disposal as he goes about inventing an entirely new poetics. Here is a little excerpt from my translation of Moro’s poem “Fire and Poetry”:
…I love a love of thick branches
Wild like jellyfish
Sacrificial love
Daytime sphere where the entirety of spring
Swings spilling blood
Love made of rings of rain
Of transparent stone
Of mountains that fly and dissipate
That turn into tiny rocks
Love that is like a stabbing
Like a shipwreck
The complete loss of breath and of voice…
To conclude and to demonstrate my deep connection to Moro’s work, here is my tribute to him:
Poetic Twin Man
Breakaway man adopted son
of Moorish queens wrote love
mantras with salt on his tongue
saliva seas breaking against
his final house straddling
the rocks of a cruel coast.
Man of anguish of hard sex
giving me his song
diamonds crashing
in my ear where
the north country hums.
Love on Fridays but not
on Tuesdays the disunited
states of the Americas
growing wings for the lover
of ideal men always coming
attendant weavers of
French finery entering
his umbilical Lima
of mist and sorrow.
He opens the door
pours his brow into mine
so we may drink portions
of the scandalous life
conjure up rooms where
his men and mine can
swing from chandeliers
like strange sea animals
that moan with pleasure:
My twin made
of flesh made of lust
made of tongue.
(From Sew Him Up, Quattro Books, 2010)
Beatriz Hausner’s latest book, Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart, released on April 16th by Book*Hug Press, is available from their website.

Beatriz Hausner has published several poetry collections, including The Wardrobe Mistress, Sew Him Up, and Enter the Raccoon. Her books have been published internationally and translated into several languages, most recently Greek. Hausner is a respected historian and translator of Latin American Surrealism, with recent essays published in The International Encyclopedia of Surrealism in 2019. Her translations of César Moro, the poets of Mandrágora, as well as essays and fiction by Aldo Pellegrini and Eugenio Granell have exerted an important influence on her work. Hausner’s history of advocacy in Canadian literary culture is also well known: she has worked as a literary programmer in Toronto, her hometown, and was Chair of the Public Lending Right Commission. She is currently President of the Literary Translators’ Association of Canada, a position she held twice before.