creek by Sylvia Symons

Poem name: creek  Poet name: sylvia symons Poem begins: you scramble down the bank to sit on the twisted lip of a culvert  canada fitness badge stitched in silver on your arm  water the colour of pilsners muscling under noranda road  pulp mill whiffing a lush trinity of lysol boiled turnip turd  you squint your ears to sounds  muffled under rush of freshmelt  a mountain chickadee pleading cheeseburger cheeseburger  snap of branches  from a creature upstream  you squint harder. you listen for pussy willows  a static of fuzzy voices whispering welcome welcome welcome in the thicket. End of poem. Credits and bio: Copyright © Sylvia Symons Previously published in Thimbleberry Magazine (Volume 5, Spring 2021). Sylvia Symons spent most of her childhood in Northern BC. She now lives with her family in Vancouver, where she teaches ESL and volunteers as a collective member at Room Magazine. Her poems appear in EVENT, Geist, Room, Best Canadian Poetry, Prairie Fire, Thimbleberry, CV2, Arc Poetry Magazine, and others.