“dawn” by Tyler Pennock

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. This June, Poetry Pause celebrates Indigenous and LGBTQI2S+ poets for Indigenous History Month and Pride Month! Read “dawn” by Tyler Pennock. Due to its formatting, this poem is only available as an image.


By Tyler Pennock

i keep taking
photos of the skies
             at dawn

watching the red
crawl forward
reach toward us

as every cloud paints
a different expression
                        of water
a different
on black canvas
an evolving

for the approaching

though a similar
red greets
every morning

the frustration
of night's palette is
suddenly evident

-- like the sky
we also can't consent
to what is

written over

Copyright © Tyler Pennock

Tyler Pennock was the inaugural Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences’ Indigenous Artist-in-Residence at Carleton University in Fall 2013. They are a two-spirit adoptee from a Cree and Metis family around the Lesser Slave Lake region of Alberta, and is a member of Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation. They graduated from Guelph University’s Creative Writing MFA program in 2013.Their first Book, BONES (Brick Books) was shortlisted for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award and the Indigenous Voices Award for Poetry. Their second book, BLOOD was released in September 2022. They also teach at the Centre for Indigenous Studies at the University of Toronto.

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