“day break fast” by kjmunro

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “day break fast” by kjmunro.

day break fast

By kjmunro

don a fleece jacket

for a walk before brunch

distant hills

still loosely wrapped in damp blue

autumn mist rises off the Yukon River

steam from a cup of coffee

leaves crunch underfoot


twigs snap

dry toast

horizontal rays of golden sun syrup

slant through trees stacked on the hillside

pour into the valley

a warming breeze stirs


eat it up

Copyright © kjmunro

Originally from Vancouver, kjmunro moved to the Yukon Territory in 1991 & now lives on the traditional territories of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation & the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council. She is Membership Secretary for Haiku Canada & a member of The Federation of BC Writers & The Haiku Society of America. Her work placed first in The League of Canadian Poets ‘Very Small Verse Contest’ in 2019, has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, & her debut poetry collection is contractions (Red Moon Press, 2019). She is the recipient of the 2023 Borealis Prize – The Commissioner of Yukon Award for Literary Contribution – & she is currently revising a poetry manuscript.

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