Kamal Parmar — It's Only Words

Listen to Kamal Parmar read her poem “It’s Only Words” as a medium to offer hope and healing during these difficult times.

Nanaimo poet and writer, Kamal Parmar has been passionately involved in writing since high school and University years. Her genre is poetry and creative non-fiction and she dabbles frequently with Haiku poetry. Her poems are simple, though poised and evocative enough to set the reader thinking. She has a few books published in UK, Canada and India and many publications in reputed US and Canadian literary journals and anthologies. Kamal has been a member of a several writers’ organizations and Writers Guilds. Currently, she is an Associate member of the League of Canadian Poets and the Secretary of The Ontario Poetry Society. She is also a member of Haiku Canada and of The Writers Union of Canada. She is, at present working on a new manuscript of poems.