like a paper cut by Lindsay Soberano Wilson

Poem title: like a paper cut by Lindsay Soberano Wilson Poet name: Poem: invisible yet visible when a slow drip drip drip drop dribbles leaks and then streaks crimson onto white painless and yet painful like a passing thought or an unkind word that you forgot until a tear appears and reappears in the shape of a shapeshifting tear stain on the heart  — like a paper cut. End of poem. Credits and bio: Copyright © Lindsay Soberano Wilson Lindsay Soberano Wilson is a Toronto English teacher who recently released her debut full-length poetry collection Hoods of Motherhood (Prolific Pulse Press, 2023). Her hybrid poetry chapbook, Casa de mi Corazón (Poetica Publishing, 2021), explores how her sense of community, Jewish Canadian identity, and home was shaped by travel. As the founder and editor of Put It To Rest, an online literary mental health magazine, she believes in writing poetry to put personal stories to rest. Her poems have appeared in Fine Lines Literary Journal, Embrace of Dawn, Poetry 365, Fevers of the Mind, PoetryPause, Quills Erotic Canadian Poetry Magazine, Canadian Woman Studies Journal, Fresh Voices, and Poetica Magazine. She holds a MA (English Literature) and a BEd from the University of Toronto, and a BA (Creative Writing) from Concordia University.