Poets recommend
Find out what your favourite poets are reading! This Member Appreciation Week, poets from all across Canada sent us poetry recommendations to pass along to you. Visit your library or local independent bookstore to check out some of these titles!
Read these already? Check out our highlight of members' books, and share your photos with us on Instagram by tagging @CanadianPoets

dee Hobsbawn-Smith recommends
Farm: Lot 23 by Tonya Lailey

Salma Hussain recommends
Rebellion Box by Hollay Ghadery

Yannis Lobaina recommends
Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart by Beatriz Hausner.

Jessica Lee McMillan recommends
Field Notes for the Self by Randy Lundy

M. NourbeSe Philip recommends
Song & Dread by Otoniya J. Okot Bitek

Hugh Thomas recommends
Find a quiet rain by Tom Hennen

Sarah Rauch recommends
Then Now by Daphne Marlatt

Rita Wong recommends
Rifqa by Mohammed El-Kurd

Ayaz Pirani recommends
National Animal by Derek Webster

Anne Burke recommends
Breaking Up with the Cobalt Blues: Poems for Healing by Lindsay Soberano Wilson

Sheri-D Wilson recommends
Duende Poems by Quincy Troupe

Ken Victor recommends
Building on River by Jean Van Loon
Hari Alluri recommends The Moon That Turns You Back - Hala Alyan
Gavin Barrett recommends The Affirmations by Luke Hathaway
Yvonne Blomer recommends In the Warm Shallows of What Remains by Andrea Scott, Raven Chapbooks 2024 winning chapbook.
Marilyn Bowering recommends In the Lateness of the World by Carolyn Forché
Julie Bruck recommends Night of the Republic, by Alan Shapiro
George Elliott Clarke recommends Plastic's Republic (featuring The Barbie Suite) by Giovanna Riccio
Conyer Clayton recommends Meghan Kemp-Gee's The Animal in the Room
Stephen Collis recommends that which appears, by Thomas A Clark
Patrick Connors recommends Invisible Lives by Cristalle Smith
nancy viva davis halifax recommends Maureen Hynes - Take the Compass
Jimy Dawn recommends Anne Carson - Autobiography of Red: A Novel in Verse
Adebe DeRango-Adem recommends Hallelujah Time by Virginia Konchan
Leanne Dunic recommends Lot, by Sarah de Leeuw
Laurie Anne Fuhr recommends The Sky is a Sky in the Sky by Stuart Ross
Hollay Ghadery recommends Celebrate Pride with Lockheed Martin by Jake Byrne
Kerry Gilbert recommends Islander by Mona Fertig
Susan Glickman recommends Nick Laird, Up Late
Clare Goulet recommends Linger, Still by Aislinn Hunter
Patrick Grace recommends Most of All the Wanting by Amanda Merpaw
Catherine Graham recommends Hologram by P.K. Page
brandy ryan recommends Nought, Julie Joosten
Larry Sawyer recommends Altazor by Vicente Huidobro
Bryan Sentes recommends (Vice) Viscera, Willow Loveday Little
Christina Shah recommends Ghost Work by Robert Colman
Adam Sol recommends CD Wright, Steal Away
Kevin Spenst recommends Selected Poems, 1975-2021 Don Domanski
Dr. Suzanne M. Steele recommends Dart, or Falling Awake, by Alice Oswald, or Hoard by Jaime Robles
George Swede recommends The Haiku Anthology edited by Cor van den Heuvel, Norton, 1999
Uchechukwu Umezurike recommends WAKEWord by Wakefield Brewster
Lina Ramona Vitkauskas recommends Lorna Crozier / what the soul doesn’t want
Douglas Walbourne-Gough recommends I Dreamed I Was an Afterthought by Allie Duff
Sanna Wani recommends How Beautiful People Are by Ayaz Piranj
Shannon Webb-Campbell recommends Douglas Walbourne-Gough's Island
Ami Xherro recommends Hamish Ballantyne's Tomorrow Is A Holiday
Stephen Bett recommends Ken Cathers, Missing Pieces
Ellie Sawatzky recommends Excerpts from a Burned Letter by Joelle Barron
David Bateman recommends Stedmond Pardy, Beached Whales
Jean Van Loon recommends Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude, by Ross Gay.
Lady Vanessa Caicedo Cardona recommends Poems for People I Used to Know
Deborah Miller recommends 36 Cornelian Avenue by Christopher Wiseman
Jacqueline Valencia recommends My Ariel by Sina Queyras
Sylvia D. Hamilton recommends Borrowed Beauty by Maxine Tynes
Cornelia Hoogland recommends Judy LeBlanc, Permission to Land
Maureen Hynes recommends nancy viva davis halifax: act normal
Chris Johnson recommends Peacock Blue: The Collected Poems, by Phyllis Webb
Clara A.B. Joseph recommends THE ONEIRONAUT ∅1 by Sheri-D Wilson
Donna Kane recommends Heaven's Thieves by Sue Sinclair
Adeena Karasick recommends Jericho's Daughter, Warren Lehrer
Meghan Kemp-Gee recommends Tumbling for Amateurs / Matthew Gwathmey
Fiona Tinwei Lam recommends Ghost Of, by Diana Khoi Nguyen
Kelly Madden recommends The Secret Signature of Things - Eve Joseph
Daniel Maluka recommends Beached Whales by Stedmond Pardy
Micheline Maylor recommends What kind of Daughter by Rayanne Haines
Stuart Ian McKay recommends One Hundred Poems From The Japanese Translated by Kenneth Rexroth
rob mclennan recommends Christine McNair, Toxemia
Amber McMillan recommends Ritual Lights by Joelle Barron
Christian McPherson recommends Michael Dennis Bad Engine
Faisal Mirza recommends IN THEORY By: AIJAZ AHMAD
John Mulligan recommends The Plague Doctor by James C. Morehead
Alessandra Naccarato recommends Letters in a Bruised Cosmos by Liz Howard
Chris Pannell recommends As Far As You Know by A.F. Moritz
Ruth Panofsky recommends Lisa Richter, Nautilus and Bone
Danny Peart recommends Weather - Rob Taylor
Charlie Petch recommends Crooked Teeth, Danny Ramadan
Pamela Porter recommends A Brief and Endless Sea by Barbara Pelman
Harry Posner recommends Niche, by Basma Kavanagh
Bruce Rice recommends A River Dies of Thirst by Mahmoud Darwish. Translated from Arabic by Catherine Cobham.
Rhea Tregebov recommends Midway Kayla Czaga
Daniel Scott Tysdal recommends Poetry is Queer by Kirby
Salimah Valiani recommends A History of Disappearance, by Sarah Lubala
Katerina Vaughan Fretwell recommends Pomegranate Heart by Clara Blackwood
Anna Yin recommends What We Do Not Know by DC Reid, trans by Anna Yi
Lana Crossman recommends rushes from the river disappointment by stephanie roberts
Michelle Poirier Brown recommends Crushed Wild Mint by Jess Housty
Myna Wallin recommends Pomegranate Heart by Clara Blackwood
Anna QUon recommends Hsin by Nanci Lee
Mary Simmerling recommends All the Honey by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer
Heidi Greco recommends Knife on Snow by Alice Major
Rhona McAdam recommends Asterisms, by Donna Kane
Klara du Plessis recommends Khashayar "Kess" Mohammadi's Daffod*ls
Brian Campbell recommends Ulrikka S. Gernes, translated by Patrick Friesen and Per Brask: Frayed Opus for Strings & Wind Instruments.
Jane Shi recommends Ghost of by Diana Khoi Nguyen
Lynn Tait recommends The Lost Time Accidents by Sile Englert