NPM 2022: Activities for for children and youth

National Poetry Month

April 2022

The theme is intimacy… has that made any parents, caregivers or educators panic?

Never fear, the LCP understands that the word intimacy can have a specific context for many. But like poetry, we know that intimacy does not fit into one box, and there are so many ways to celebrate NPM 2022: INTIMACY for all-ages.

We encourage all National Poetry Month participants, young and old, to explore what intimacy means to them.

Ask your participants to observe our NPM 2022 Poster: What kinds of intimacy do they see? How does intimacy connect to our actions and choices?

Their answers might include:

  • Enjoying music
  • Dancing
  • Reading or being read to
  • Writing
  • Spending time with Family
  • Romantic interests
  • Relationships with pets and animals
  • Kindness to strangers
  • Caring for others
  • Being in a classroom (virtual or physical)
  • Being creative
  • Holding conversations
  • Learning

To generate even more interest and conversations about intimacy and poetry this April 2022, you may enjoy the resources below.

NPM 2022 Colouring Pages and Poetry Activities

We’ve crafted three colouring pages that can serve as a launching point into three different areas of intimacy that we all experience: Intimacy with Nature, Intimacy of Friendships and Relationships, and Intimacy with Imagination

Intimacy & Nature: NPM 2022

To see intimacy in nature is to respect the living world, to move slowly and observe, to understand that all living things are connected.

Activities  – Pair with colouring page or self-directed

  • Fill in the blank space of the page with the parts of nature that you enjoy most.
  • Colour it all in to bring your drawing to life!
  • Create a poem based on your drawing and colouring.
  • Your poem can reflect on any of these questions, or go in a direction all your own!
    • What does it mean to find intimacy with Nature? What do we learn when we spend time with Nature?
    • What season is your favourite?
    • What do you see first when you are in nature? Animals? Flowers? The grass?
    • How does it smell?
  • Your poem can reflect on any of these questions, or go in a direction all your own!
  • Go on walk in your neighbourhood, park, or school grounds, write a poem based on your observances.

Intimacy & Friendship: NPM 2022

Friends are one-of-a-kind people in our lives. They come in all shapes and sizes; they can be siblings or cousins, they can live far away or down the street. Friends are special because the bond shared between two friends is made of trust and respect. There is nothing like having a laugh with a great friend, or sharing a secret and knowing that they will keep it safe.

Activities  – Pair with colouring page or self-directed

  • Fill in the blank space of the page with symbols, clothes, or designs that remind you of your friends!
  • Write a poem about friendship
  • Your poem can reflect on any of these questions, or go in a direction all your own!
    • What makes your friends special?
    • What are the qualities of a good friend?
    • Write about a nice time spent with a friend.
  • Share your poem and drawing with your friend(s) once complete!

Intimacy & Imagination: NPM 2022

What exists in your imagination? You’re the only one who knows! The imagination is an incredible place where all things are possible. Because we each have a unique perspective and dreams, we explore intimacy with ourself anytime we enter the world of our imagination.

Activities  – Pair with colouring page or self-directed

  • Fill in the blank space of the page with what exists in your imagination
  • Create a poem about your dreams and imagination
  • Your poem can reflect on any of these questions, or go in a direction all your own!
    • What does my imagination look like?
    • What kind of experiences happen in my imagination?
    • What does my imagination tell me about who I am?
  • Share your poem and drawing with friends, classmates, or family: illuminate others on the wonders of your mind!

Looking for more Poetry and acitivities for children and youth? Check out: Poetry Activities for Youth and Young Readers