on rollerblades dancing by Norma Kerby

Poem title: on rollerblades dancing Poet: Norma Kerby Poem: on rollerblades dancing young man swivels sways folds into weightless missile flaunting gravity twisting trance he leaps galaxies blades spinning through infinities of youth joyous soaring above musical diamonds plucked by ephemeral harpist balancing smoky chords on thin edge of ecstasy stroking silken strings she watches him fly hawk plummeting earthward on rollerblades arms thrust back momentum propelled by sinewy muscles stretched into distain for mortality End of poem. Credits and bio: Copyright © Norma Kerby Norma Kerby has been published in journals, e-zines, magazines, and anthologies, most recently, the anthologies, Heartwood (League of Canadian Poets), Another Dysfunctional Cancer Poem (Mansfield Press), Seed Dreams (Writers North of 54), Tending the Fire (League of Canadian Poets), Leap (League of Canadian Poets) and (M)othering Anthology (Inanna Press), as well as her chapbook, Shores of Haida Gwaii (Big Pond Rumours Press). A number of her poems have appeared in the League’s Poetry Pause. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize (Prairie Journal) and shortlisted (2021)-longlisted (2022) for the Federation of BC Writers Poetry Literary Contest, she writes about environmental, ecological and social issues, in particular those affecting rural and northern Canada. Sometimes she forgets to be serious and writes poems celebrating humour, cats, and the unfettered joy of the human spirit.