“portrait of the flooded basement” by Michael Russell

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “portrait of the flooded basement” by Michael Russell. Due to its formatting, this poem is only available as an image.

portrait of the flooded basement

By Michael Russell

hunched over a silver pot 
i haul a mouthful of oatmeal

to my lips       watch the steam
furrow my eyelids 

tonight    nothing but dogs 
& bloated stomachs    

the endless heat choking 
a room gagged by lightning

lamplight flickers & 
another stampede of thunder 

charges the sky      deluge    
the patio with rainfall & omens    

dogs burrow their noses
under blankets & thighs

shutter their eyes
barricade their ears in the crevice

between mattress & sweat
in ten minutes

the basement will flood 
the drain    a greek fountain 

will spit water     feces    piss
one by one     i’ll lift    call 

desperate    a rabid hunger 
for strength     whisk 

each mastiff closer 
to the storm       offer their bodies 

to a snarling planet 
baring teeth      buckets & buckets 

of sunflowers

Copyright © Michael Russell

Michael Russell (he/they) is the queer, mad mother monster behind two chapbooks, gallery of heartache (forthcoming from 845 Press) and Grindr Opera (Frog Hollow Press). They are the coauthor of chapbook Split Jawed with Elena Bentley (forthcoming from Collusion Books). As always, he thinks you’re fantabulous. Insta: @michael.russell.poet

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