Star Collector by Dara Siegel

Poem title:  Star Collector 
Poet name: Dara Siegel
Poem: I’m collecting stars. 
For constellations 
Cauterizing me with you.

								As if space was only up high.
										As if the birds and the geese 
												were out of reach.

But I have stars inside 
stuck to my bones

								As if this house
										outgrown and small
												Just wasn’t size
														enough at all.

But I have galaxies inside 
Singing the night air 
buttoned by a single moon 
silver and wide
Weaving me with you.

								And if I am sky
														then you are sky, too.	
End of poem.
Credits and bio: Copyright © Dara Siegel
Dara Siegel is a wife, mother, English teacher and curriculum leader at a high school in Canada. She is an emerging poet who has been published by various print and online publications.  Visit her Instagram page @theexistentialbean to read more of her poetry and to find out more about her future writing endeavours.