Spoken Word Saturday: The Transformations Project
Spoken Word Saturday is a showcase of the amazing Spoken Word Poetry talent that can be found from coast to coast. You can find a playlist of all Spoken Word Saturday curations on the League’s Youtube channel!
The Transformations Project
The Transformations Project is a national project from the National Arts Centre in which live performance companies from across Canada are asking some of their favourite artists to approach the question:
“What would it take to transform our society for the betterment of all?”
The project grew out of a desire among many arts workers for our country to move towards a Universal Basic Income – something that so many Canadian citizens have now experienced a taste of through the Canada Emergency Response Benefit. In the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, CERB saved careers, homes and families in Canada.
“I Can Only Include” by Luke Reece
Commissioned by Volcano
“Girl in Water” by Mariam Barry
Commissioned by rice and beans theatre
“Non Essential” by Iam Kamau