Testing by Annick MacAskill

Poet name: Annick MacAskill Poem title: Testing Poem: they told us it might hurt a bit & then it hurts vials blood waiting exam hospital halls ultrasounds ultrasound probes robes over bruises fat & skin family history our pelvic bones like women in myths origins &/or lessons they say in body ’s transformations [& in tragedies sisters counsel sisters to relinquish their excess venom their barks sobs & rage to gods who never listen in the first place] skirt limbs w/ fingertips trace letters grief invisible its archaic alphabet & what if relief what if will unknow &/or undo & what are we learning & what keeps us here End of poem. Credits and bio: Copyright © Annick MacAskill Previously published in Shadow Blight (Gaspereau Press, 2022) Annick MacAskill is the author of three full-length poetry collections, including Shadow Blight, which was published by Gaspereau Press in the spring of 2022. Her poems have appeared in journals across Canada and abroad and in the Best Canadian Poetry anthology series. She has been selected as a finalist for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award, the CBC Poetry Prize, the Arc Poem of the Year Award, and an Atlantic Book Award, among other honours. MacAskill also recently served as Arc’s 2021-2022 Poet-in-Residence. She lives in Kjipuktuk (Halifax), on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. annickmacaskill.com