“the clocks we lock” by Dennis Cooley

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “the clocks we lock” by Dennis Cooley. Due to its formatting, this poem is only available as an image.

the clocks we lock

By Dennis Cooley

and choke in  

the bones click and lock  


in the pins time stumbles 

inside the stomach 

the voices knock 


the horses talk 

pockplock over the morning 

where it shines the tobacco breath darkens 

the ribs way up the stairway 


the room booms and bangs  

the door slams shut the stove 

rattles the kitchen 


the room breathes hard 

grampa's cough passes 

through the oil-slow darkness 


grampa's fingerbones are  

the knuckles on caraganas  


the bones cast their chalk  

against the wall onto the floor  

                  	all night long they 

   		shake into the hallway 


the shadows hang onto the wall  

the air strains with listening

Copyright © Dennis Cooley

First appeared in Poetry Pause on November 17, 2020.

Dennis Cooley grew up in Saskatchewan. Active as poet, editor, publisher, teacher in Winnipeg for many years. Three new titles in 2020: the muse sings, coldpress moon, the bestiary. A collaborative book, the gibbous moon, forthcoming. A new manuscript, body works, in submission.

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