“The Kinds of Distance I Know” by Pujita Verma

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “The Kinds of Distance I Know” by Pujita Verma.

The Kinds of Distance I Know

By Pujita Verma


bodies strung into fibre optics

couch cushions & everything in between them

dialects you can’t learn on Duolingo

elevator ride to his apartment

flip phones

glass, splitting at the touch

headboard and wall & everything in between

if there is a word for almost lonely, I am

just calling to say I miss you


light that fractures




places you are unwelcome

quiet waiting rooms


self-preserving stack of mail

Times New Roman of the subpoena

unfinished crescent moons

Vectors in space

white flag of a father’s laughter

X-mas presents in transit

your left hand

Zoom funerals

Copyright © Pujita Verma

Pujita Verma is an Indo-Canadian poet and illustrator. She was Mississauga’s Youth Poet Laureate (2018-20). Last year, Pujita won the League of Canadian Poets Broadsheet Contest, a Mississauga Arts Council Award, and was runner-up for the Janice Colbert Poetry Award. As a winner of the Eden Mills Writer’s Festival Literary Contest, she has a few poems published in the EMERGE 4 Chapbook (PS Guelph, 2023). Pujita’s poem “Footnotes for the Toronto Sky” is currently being featured across the TTC Network. She is working on her debut poetry collection.

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