“Watching Egg (My Cat) Sleep from Across the Room” by Hayden Finkelshtain

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “Watching Egg (My Cat) Sleep from Across the Room” by Hayden Finkelshtain. Due to its formatting, this poem is only available as an image.

Watching Egg (My Cat) Sleep from Across the Room)

By Hayden Finkelshtain

little, you were, thin-skinned and shapeless,
                  bulrush paws too big for standing,
                                 (earned you with a niblet,
                                                leaning against my back)
                                                              a half-filled chip bag

                                                                            itchy picnic-blanket on the ottoman,
                                                                                          in the room with the space heater —
                                                                                                         — how glad to know that i made you
                                                                                                                         feel at home

                                                                                                                                  and what a responsibility to
                                                                                                                                               myself, that my touch
                                                                                                                                                             told you:

Copyright © Hayden Finkelshtain

Hayden Finkelshtain is a Toronto-based actor and poet. Recent work has been published in Holes: An Anthology by JLRB Press, and in Stink Eye Magazine. He has two cats, Jack Black and Egg. @rudimentpoetry

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