When You Saw Me by Gordon Taylor

Poem title: When You Saw Me
Poet name: Gordon Taylor
Poem: We sat in our silver Volkswagen 
discussing us, on a windy day 
by the lake with the wipers on, 
spray slapping windshield, glass 

clearing and closing like minds.
Should we build a new fortress 
of driftwood, watch a procession
of sighing waves, grey 

scarves bound to each other
or just go home? We spent this 
last-ditch afternoon, summoning 
an answer in our bed, limbs 

tangling and making, backs sweat 
sheened, chest hair matted, mouths 
joined in frustration. Afterward you 
slept. I imagined your dream—

falling underwater— a whitewash 
when you looked up at sun 
hitting the surface—underside 
of a reflection— a new way

of seeing. I smoothed your shoulder.
Your left foot flapped against 
the sheet— a dull grey bass 
on a dock, drowning in air. 
End of poem.
Credits and bio: Copyright © Gordon Taylor
Gordon Taylor (he/him) is a queer poet who walks an ever-swaying wire of technology, health care and poetry. His poems have appeared in or are forthcoming in Grain, Rattle, Event, Banshee, Descant and Plenitude. In his spare time Gordon is a volunteer reader for Five South Magazine.