NPM 2023: Joy

The League of Canadian Poets invites you to celebrate the 25th National Poetry Month this April 2023! What will you read this National Poetry Month? What events will you organize, attend? Will you start your own poetry writing project? Will you write your first poem? Will you share your poetry online for the first time? This…

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NPM23 Blog: Room for Little Joys by Prathna Lor

I was asked to write about joy and, to be honest, I’ve been having a hard time thinking about how to approach the subject. Now, that’s not to say I’m against joyful indulgence; in fact, if you asked anyone close to me, they’d probably tell you that I am the queen of relaxation. I eat…

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Book Awards 2023: What does JOY mean to you?

We asked the finalists of the 2023 Book Awards, What does Joy mean to you? See what the poets had to say! The theme of National Poetry Month 2023 is JOY! We hope that you find the joy in poetry this month. Looking for more info about LCP Book Awards? Read the 2023 Shortlists Read…

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Poem In Your Pocket Day 2023

PIYP 2023

Poem in Your Pocket Day is an international movement that encourages people to centre poetry within their daily interactions. On PIYP Day, select a poem, carry it with you, and share it with others at schools, bookstores, libraries, parks, workplaces, coffee shops, street corners, and on social media using the hashtag #PocketPoem. The 2023 Poem in Your…

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