NPM 2023: Joy
The League of Canadian Poets invites you to celebrate the 25th National Poetry Month this April 2023!
What will you read this National Poetry Month? What events will you organize, attend? Will you start your own poetry writing project? Will you write your first poem? Will you share your poetry online for the first time?
This year, we celebrate NPM with the theme JOY!
joy is. reading by a window with a soft blanket. an old plant with a new bloom. a completed to-do-list. the first big snowfall. banana bread in the oven. the squeak of sand under bare feet. a cat purring on my lap. finding the perfect GIF to send to the groupchat. a hot cup of coffee. filling the page with unplanned words. freshly painted nails. still and quiet moments of solitude, when all there is to do is rest. cold, crisp mornings. the careful turn of an old book’s pages. a fresh bowl of ramen. feeling blessed and loved. setting a personal best. my favourite pair of sneakers. planting vegetables in the garden. sitting on the couch doing nothing, partner on one side, dog on the other. the crack of a home run. a warm cup of milky Earl Grey. a sunset from a plane window.
What does JOY mean to you?

#NPM23 Social Media Graphics, Poster and Bookmark
We are so excited to share National Poetry Month 2023 Poster, designed by Megan Fildes!
We are delighted that we are out of stock of NPM Posters and Bookmarks! Thank you to our literary partners, libraries and schools who have ordered over 1000 posters and 16,000 bookmarks that will be distributed during April!
Looking to decorate your classroom, community space, library or home with NPM23 fun?
Download our NPM23 Social media graphics for your own use!
Check out the NPM23 Social Media Graphics!
NPM Blog
Follow along all April for our special NPM Blog collection On Joy, featuring bespoke essays by Canadian poets reflecting on the theme of joy.
- Joy at the Door by Ash Winters
- Rewilding Poetry Through Joy by Shannon Webb-Campbell
- Pulling Joy Forward by Elizabeth Mudenyo
- Room for Little Joys by Prathna Lor
- Book Awards 2023: What does JOY mean to you?
- 6 Activities to Spark Creative Joy
Join the #NPM23 Conversation!
Share your NPM activities and join the conversation by tagging us on Twitter or Instagram @CanadianPoets, and use the official #NPM22 hashtag.
While you’re planning, check out some of our resources if you need a place to start: our “Get Involved” blog post suggests many ways to celebrate April, from hosting an event to setting a 30-day writing challenge; as well as suggested NPM activities for young readers that can be facilitated by educators, parents, and librarians; and we rounded up a few little ways to work poetry into your day-to-day here!
Poetry Pause: JOY
All month long, Poetry Pause will be showcasing poetry about JOY!
Poem in Your Pocket Day Returns
On April 28, 2023 we will celebrate Poem in Your Pocket Day across Canada. The day encourages people to select a poem, carry it with them, and share it with others throughout the day.
Get Involved with National Poetry Month
Every year come April, we get so excited to read and promote poetry for four solid weeks as we celebrate National Poetry Month! There are so many ways to celebrate poetry! The LCP loves seeing how all of you take part in the celebrations. If you want to do something special for National Poetry Month this year but you aren’t sure where to start, check out our suggestions for some popular ways to get involved!
Celebrate Online
While the League does prepare content to celebrate poetry, we’re always looking to see what else is going on! Using our hashtags and tagging us are the best way to share your NPM celebrations! We are @CanadianPoets on Twitter and Instagram, and we’ll be following the hashtag #NPM23 this year and sharing all the poetry joy from coast to coast.
Subscribe to Between the Lines Newsletter from LCP for all your NPM news!
NPM Events
See our event calendar of events during NPM that are supported or funded by the League. We are thrilled to see all the incredible ways that poets and poetry-lovers are coming together in digital spaces this National Poetry Month. We are thrilled to see all the incredible ways that poets and poetry-lovers are coming together in digital spaces and in-person this National Poetry Month.
Do you have an NPM Event coming up? Let us know and be featured in the next Weekly NPM Newsletter!