LCP archives

National Poetry Month

10 Recent Poetry Titles by Queer Poets in Canada by Emily Schimp

1. Coconut by Nisha PatelApril 2021, NeWest Press Canadian National Slam Champion, Nisha Patel, debuts her first poetry collection Coconut. Overview: “Coconut rises fiercely like the sun. These poems bestow light and warmth and the ability to witness the world, but they ask for more than basking; they ask readers to grow and warn that…

Read More about 10 Recent Poetry Titles by Queer Poets in Canada by Emily Schimp

NPM21 Blog: The Golden Bed: On Resilience and When The Rebel Rolls Through by Britta B.

: out of what twisted music you were pushed : what rattles and ricochets : as necessary as what releases you : a relationship to creativity sustains you : propels you from the place grammar functions to dysfunction your inner voice : you live a double life : you keep a private collection of daydreams…

Read More about NPM21 Blog: The Golden Bed: On Resilience and When The Rebel Rolls Through by Britta B.

NPM21 Blog: Applauding Every Win: On Resilience by Amoya Reé

You are Enough I’m running another virtual Spoken Word workshop (COVID amirite?) and one of the participants, a young, queer, BIPOC musician asks me how they can become more resilient. Six faces in the Zoom meeting squares, staring at me, waiting for a response. I wanted to fire off a slew of motivational Pinterest quotes;…

Read More about NPM21 Blog: Applauding Every Win: On Resilience by Amoya Reé

LCP50: Celebrating 50 years

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