LCP archives

National Poetry Month

Poetry Beyond Borders

by Abena Beloved Green for National Poetry Month, April 2020 Over ten years ago, I wrote this prose poem reflecting on driving in Ghana and about how incredible it is that a person wakes up in the morning, goes out in the world and returns in one piece in this country. The amount of traffic…

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A World of Poetry: Life and Truth

By Anna Yin for National Poetry Month, April 2020 When I was a kid, like others in China, I was taught to recite Chinese traditional poetry. I didn’t understand why and thought it was just for the culture and language. When a teenage, I occasionally wrote poems in Chinese but forgot them all, well, they…

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A World of Poetry

by Bill Arnott for National Poetry Month, April 2020 A world of poetry. This, I understand. Being witness to stomped-verse haka in Waitangi, the lyrical thrum of Outback didgeridoo, breathy sax in a wet London underpass, red slashed characters on a mud wall in Hebei, tanka blurred through joss smoke in Kyoto, rantings of a…

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LCP50: Celebrating 50 years

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