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The League of Canadian Poets


Poets & Poetry

in canada

Subscribe to Between the Lines for poetry news from the League

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For poets

The League is proud to provide publication opportunities, event funding, mentorship programs, prizes, and more to support poets at all stages of their careers.

Apply for membership

Becoming a member of the League connects you to a wide network of poets, and allows you to access exclusive opportunities.

For organizers

In addition to opportunities for poets, the League administers several programs and awards to support dedicated poetry organizers and publishers across Canada.

Find our resources

Our resources page will provide you with a jumping-off point for researching tools and tricks to get your next project off the ground.

For readers

From a diverse community of poets across Canada, the League publishes poetry for every reader through programs like Poetry Pause and the LCP Chapbook Series.

Read poetry

Browse our publications to find poetry you can read for free, or support the League by purchasing a chapbook anthology.

Poetry Pause from the League of Canadian Poets

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What's on at the League

A note from your Poet Ambassador in Residence | Tara Borin

Tara Borin, inaugural Poet Ambassador in Residence for the League of Canadian Poets, shares a final reflection on their time spent in the role.

Read More about A note from your Poet Ambassador in Residence | Tara Borin

The Joys and Challenges of Creating Collaborative Art | Manahil Bandukwala

Writer and editor Manahil Bandukwala writes about the rewards, challenges, and processes of creating collaborative art and poetry.

Read More about The Joys and Challenges of Creating Collaborative Art | Manahil Bandukwala

Ontario Arts Council and League of Canadian Poets announce Lillian Allen Prizes for spoken word poetry

The Ontario Arts Council (OAC), in partnership with the League of Canadian Poets (LCP), is pleased to announce the creation of the Lillian Allen Prize and the Lillian Allen Emerging Artist Prize, which recognize and celebrate spoken word poetry artists working in English or French

Read More about Ontario Arts Council and League of Canadian Poets announce Lillian Allen Prizes for spoken word poetry

Spoken Word Poetry in your classroom

Use this lesson plan to to show students how to use their voices and bodies to tell their stories and share their thoughts and imaginings.

Read More about Spoken Word Poetry in your classroom

NPM24: Meet the shortlists

This National Poetry Month, find out more about the 15 poets shortlisted for the League’s annual book awards, including what weather inspires their writing!

Read More about NPM24: Meet the shortlists

April 30, 2024 (Zoom): Shortlist reading & celebration

Join the League at an online reading to celebrate the poets shortlisted for the organization’s three annual book awards!

Read More about April 30, 2024 (Zoom): Shortlist reading & celebration