“WE BUY GOLD” by Pujita Verma

Poetry Pause is the League of Canadian Poets’ daily poetry dispatch. Read “WE BUY GOLD” by Pujita Verma, winner of the 2024 Arts & Letters Club of Toronto Foundation Poetry Award! Due to its formatting, this poem is only available as an image.


By Pujita Verma

there is a process of melting      what you know            removing its impurities.
forgive ancestral inheritance            in exchange           for rewritten precedent:
selling   grandmother’s   Nani’s gold at a pawn shop                 to keep lights on
leaving a legacy of women who could not leave.                                 my mother
not named in the will, a way birthright can be selective of gender.  on another

continent, Nani collected precious metals                       in her closet’s labyrinth
called on exit strategy for her daughter:       an intergenerational justice. watch
whole wars wage for a commodity worth more      than its weight in memory.
think                            jhumkis, bangles, maang tikka—                                 a lineage
of wedding adornments passed down in ceremony.              it takes three years

before I locate lexicon, tell my mother. she believes me.                        we leave
customs of culture & candidacy;                       those teach us fear & retribution
as resistant to corrosion.                        while Nani drifts                     in the CCU
after waiting decade to re-meet grandchild                                      I’m shopping
markets of Chandni Chowk                passing time                until visiting window

opens briefly—    threads of my new lenghas unravelling.       I’d learned Hindi
through an app for months           before making trip to Delhi           her village
dialect     I still couldn’t dissect      without intermediary.      all I’d know of her
is an untranslation of proximity. how she’d been engaged at eight
(age, another theory of relativity).    last time I’d see her & I couldn’t articulate

goodbye,               cycles of reincarnation eclipsing gratitude.          at her wake,
neighbours tell me how they’d watched her hold me,     a baby on the balcony
basking in                   the sunlight’s glory.                there is a process of melting
what you are told about purity.         remember, even love can be an economy
of scale.  like golden hope, when abundant, will tip everything in your favour.

Copyright © Pujita Verma

Winner of the 2024 Arts & Letters Club of Toronto Foundation Poetry Award.

Pujita Verma is an Indo-Canadian poet and illustrator. Her poem “Footnotes for the Toronto Sky” is featured across the Toronto Transit Commission Network, and she was Mississauga’s second Youth Poet Laureate (2018-20). Last year, she won the League of Canadian Poets Broadsheet Contest, a Mississauga Arts Council Award, the Eden Mills Writer’s Festival Literary Contest, and was runner-up for the Janice Colbert Poetry Award. Pujita is the Youth Outreach Representative for Antler River Poetry and she works for War Child.

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