When I Reach by Eleonore Schönmaier

Poem title: When I Reach
Poet name: Eleonore Schönmaier
Poem: the tunnel 
exit you’ll be
there waiting for
me sitting on a wooden 
crate at the side

of the tracks 
you’ll be holding 
a bowl of 
pumpkin soup
you cooked on a camp

stove by the dust 
blown side of the 
journey. my hands 
and face will be 
dirty and you’ll

gently touch 
my cheek. 
you’ll give
me your spoon. 
if you’re not

there waiting I’ll find
the crate and I’ll sit there 
and wait for you, even 
when the stars
have been wiped from

their slate, and the moon 
is a stained
white plate cracked 
and crowded
with insects. I’ll

sit on the half broken 
boards where the faded 
words once said oranges
and there we’ll meet. I’ll give 
you my hands
End of poem.
Credits and bio: Copyright © Eleonore Schönmaier
Previously published in Dust Blown Side of the Journey (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017)
Eleonore Schönmaier is the author of poetry, essays, and fiction. Born into a working class migrant family, she was raised in a northern wilderness settlement. She has also lived on the shores of Lake Ontario, the North Sea, and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Her many awards include the Alfred G. Bailey Prize, the National Broadsheet Contest prize, the Sheldon Currie Fiction award (second place), the Dave Williamson National Short Story award (honourable mention), and the Earle Birney Prize. In 2022 she received a Writers’ Union of Canada grant to write an essay about love. Her poems have been set to music by Greek, Dutch, Scottish, American and Canadian composers including Carmen Braden, Michalis Paraskakis, and Emily Doolittle. The New European Ensemble and the St Andrews New Music Ensemble have performed her poetry in concert. Her latest collection is Field Guide to the Lost Flower of Crete (McGill-Queen’s University Press). Wavelengths of Your Song (MQUP) was published in German translation as Wellenlängen deines Liedes (parasitenpresse, 2020). Dust Blown Side of the Journey (MQUP) was a finalist for the Eyelands Book Awards 2020 (Greece). Her poetry has been widely anthologized in the United States and Canada including in Best Canadian Poetry.