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National Poetry Month
NPM22 Blog: I’m not an expert in intimacy and neither are you by Tyler Pennock
I’m not an expert in intimacy and neither are you by Tyler Pennock Read this article and poem in magazine format I used to think that definitive things were evil. That an exact definition, a perfect example embedded the notion that nothing is good enough, and that no one would…
NPM 2022: Activities for for children and youth
National Poetry Month April 2022 The theme is intimacy… has that made any parents, caregivers or educators panic? Never fear, the LCP understands that the word intimacy can have a specific context for many. But like poetry, we know that intimacy does not fit into one box, and there are so many ways to celebrate…
NPM 2022 Colouring Pages
Right click on the image to download! Or save all three in pdf here.
LCP50: Celebrating 50 years
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