Review: Another Open Door by Ann Elizabeth Carson

Reviewed by Donna Langevin Another Open DoorAeolus House, 202364 pages, $20.00ISBN: 978-1-987872-56-9 Another Open Door is an inspiring melange of poetry, prose, music and artwork. As if to say, “Please enter without knocking,” the cover photo features Ann’s clay sculpture that suggests a listening ear or a shell’s portal. In each of the book’s three…

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Fresh Voices 30

Fresh Voices 30

Fresh Voices 30 features poetry by: Josephine LoRe, Anthony Purdy, Nan Williamson, Lee Ann Eckhardt Smith, donalee Moulton, Norma Kerby, Janis La Couvée, Hunyah Irfan, Angel Edwards and Marlene Grand Maître.

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Bequests under a will

The League of Canadian Poets is grateful to receive bequests under a will. When the time comes to update your will—something that should be done every five years or when family connections change—it is time to consider what you would like to leave to the purposes that have the greatest significance to you. For poets,…

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