Fresh Voices 28

Fresh Voices 28

Fresh Voices 28 features poetry by: Padmaja Battani, Karin Cope, Meg Freer, Carol Good, Louisa Howerow, Sadie Kromm, Salem Paige, D.G. Peart, Pauline Sameshima, Lindsay Soberano-Wilson, Megan Stobbe and PJ Thomas.

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When the day is nearly done, a review of Timed Radiance, by Donna Langevin

Reviewed by Louise Carson Timed Radiance, by Donna Langevin (Aeolus House, 2022). There are many examples of fine language in this collection of poems that have (mostly) been written as a summation of one poet’s long life. So, I’ll be presenting a lot of quotes. The first one comes from the first poem ‘Even with…

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